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Friday, September 05, 2014

RIP RyanFromTheShire

Ryan Hansson, aka RyanFromTheShire has moved on from this word and it is a very sad loss.

In the first several years of writing these stories, I would incorporate members of the Adult Swim Message Board into them. These were always people that I had fun interacting with. Ryan was one of those people.

Some of them, I've lost contact with over years, others, I've remained friends with via Facebook.

Ryan was one of them. He and I didn't interact much, but when we did, it was always the source of much enjoyment. His views on the government were always a refreshing read.

Most of all, He was quite the musical talent.

Looking back at the story he was in, ASMB Part 2: The Campaign Meeting, it's a bit deprsssing to read now. In the story, Ryan had the last line. I wish that line had been true.

So long Pal. Thanks for the memories.